My biggest struggle in my weight loss journey has been weekday lunches. I eat out almost every day. Here are my
reasons excuses...
We don't have a real break room at work. We have a room in which there is a microwave, a toaster oven, and a refrigerator. However, it is also someone's office. Also, there are often people meeting at the table in there. Not a good place to eat, read, or relax, which is what I like to do at lunch.
We have a mandatory lunch break, in that my day is 8 hours plus an hour for lunch. If you're good at math, you'd know that is a 9 hour day. Plus a 45 minute commute - each way. If I could just come in for 8 hours and eat at my desk, I'd be thrilled. But no, the shifts are 9 hours. Period. I asked if I could do an 8-hour day and skip the lunch break, and I was told no.
If I eat at my desk, people try to talk to me. I don't want to talk to people during my break. I don't want to get asked work questions. I don't want to chat about work related things. I don't want to be asked to jump in the phone queue because it's busy and there are customers waiting.
In the winter, it's great because I can open the windows in my car and eat in there, then go for a walk. In the summer in south Florida? Forget it. Ick. Then I have to sit in my own funk all afternoon. For the same reason, I can't go eat in a park.
I live 45 minutes from the office. It is flat-out impossible for me to go home on my break. I wish that was a possibility. I would relax or watch TV or work out.
Sometimes I run errands or shop on my lunch break. But then I spend too much money just "browsing".
I usually choose healthy things for lunch. (Sometimes I don't. Today I had bean enchiladas at Tijuana Flats...had a coupon and went out with my friend John.) My usual places are Panera (soup and salad for around 350 calories - I skip the bread...most days), Subway (I can't eat the bread there anymore so I get a salad with tuna or turkey on it), Muscle Maker Grill (grilled chicken nuggets and a side salad), Moe's (burrito tortilla, rice, or chips). Healthy choices or not, eating out nearly every day is a bad habit to be in. I need to somehow get back to my old habit of leftovers, Lean Cuisines, and stuff like that.
That's easy in the winter. Not so easy in the summer. I'm trapped in the air conditioning.
The only thing I have come up with is to join a gym near my office. My gym contract is up for renewal in September and I am thinking about joining the large chain gym that has locations near work AND home so I could go to either.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.